Every female of Christ Temple Church of the Apostolic Faith is a member of the Women's Council.
Christian education is essential. The Church must teach to win the lost to Christ (Matthew 28:19,20) and to help its constituents grow and mature in the Christian life (Ephesians 4:11-13). Sunday School is doctrinal, evangelistic, missionary, educational and systematically teaches the Word of God and its practices to all ages. Sunday School begins promptly at 10:00 AM and ends at 10:45 AM. It offers a free nutritional continental breakfast program. The Sunday School has a monthly service on second Sundays in which the entire Sunday School is encouraged to participate.
Nursery Class and Kindergarten 2 - 5 years of age
Beginners Class and Primary 6 - 9 years of age
Junior Class and Junior High 10 - 14 years of age
Senior High and Adults 15 - and above
To press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus and serve the Lord with all their heart so that their light shine for men to see the Christ that lives within.
Youth Activity or Meeting: Every first Saturday 1:00pm to 2:00pm.
"Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Proverb 4:7"
To provide tutoring to the youth in the reading, mathematics and writting .
Sessions: Every fourth Saturday 12:00pm - 1:00pm
"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity."
To develop a strong, functioning Brotherhood, molding it into a force for leadership and responsibility. The Brotherhood endeavors to involve all men, from children to senior citizens, to fulfill their spiritual as well as temporal potential.
They are called to serve. They give their time, energy and resources. Their services varies, but they also have certain general elements that they share with others. They receive and they give. Christian service is supported by concern, understanding and competence or skill. Concern suggests keen interest, devotion or dedication. Caring is necessary for involvement in a task and for faithful service in carrying out an assignment. One who cares deeply will direct his attention and energies toward the object of his concern.
To make an opportunity for the missionary women to be helpers together with our ministers and pastors in bringing souls to Christ. To be a comfort to those in need: to visit the widows, orphans and sick, give counsel in the fear of God, and to teach the younger women to be chaste keepers at home, and so to walk, shunning the very appearance of evil, that the gospel be not blasphemed: to labor together with the brethren in establishing churches and spreading this truth, as those women in the churches of old were helpers of Paul and the other apostles (Philippians 4:3).
The Minister's and Deacon's wife is called to be part of the total ministerial service of her husband. Together, they should pursue the will of God, the development of their leadership skills and their opportunity to serve humanity. Christ will make His Will for their ministry known. It is a call to bring the good news of salvation to the lost and hurting. It is the joy of bringing hope and healing to a weary world.
The Minister's or Deacon's wife has a special call to the service she renders. The clear need of the church today is for spiritual leadership which can inspire confidence to accomplish the divine mandate: "To be teachers of sound doctrine..." The touch that the woman brings to her husband's ministry is inestimable and irreplaceable. She provides the ingredients for enrichment and fulfillment which can inspire, motivate, enlighten and strengthen the very fabric of the spiritual life of her ministerial or deacon husband and the congregation he shepherds. The wife provides the balance, discernment, sensitivity and nurturing essential for growth and blessing.
To address itself to one or more areas of the local church work. To address itself to meeting the psychological needs of ministers' and deacons' wives.
"Speak Thou the things which become sound doctrine;...be teachers of good things"(Titus 2:1-3).
Must be the wife or widow of a minister or deacon.
As door keepers for the House of the Lord, ushers assist in keeping order and directing the flow of traffic into and out of the church during service.
The adult female ushers are responsible for services held on first Sundays.
The adult male ushers are responsible for services held on second Sundays.
The junior boy ushers are responsible for services held on third Sundays.
The junior girl ushers are responsible for services held on fourth Sundays.
Non-Sunday services are covered by specially appointed ushers.
The Pastor requests that all who enter the Church. Please respect and abide by the rules, directions and instructions of all ushers.
The Nurse's Unit furnishes first-aid supplies, provides first-aid treatment and offers medical treatment procedures and offers medical training seminars.
Deacons and Junior Deacons are appointed by the Pastor. They minister to the Pastor and oversee the smooth functioning of conduct, finances, administration and security, especially in the sanctuary. Deacons should be honest, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom before they are appointed as overseers of any church matters (Acts 6:3).
These creative, Christian men are bonded by love and heightened by compassion for the needy, lonely, suffering and the sick within the Church. An ordained deacon can preach, be apt to teach, serve communion and baptize.
Elders and Licentiates shall be subject to the authority of the Pastor of the Church.
Each choir has an obligation to travel with the Pastor to an outside church visitation appointment at least once per month.
"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands, serve the Lord with gladness; come before His presence with singing." (Psalm 100:1,2)
To win souls for Christ through song.
Ages: Children from 3 - 12 years of age.
Provides music for the Sunday Morning Worship service every First Sunday.
Rehearsal: The Sunbeam Choir rehearses the fourth Saturday from 1:00-2:00.
Ages: 13 and over
Provides music for the Sunday Morning Worship service every Third Sunday.
Rehearsal: Every second Saturday from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m..
To welcome the visitors at the Sunday Morning Worship service.
To write Follow-Up letters to visitors.
To send get-well, birthday and sympathy cards.
To make up and distribute food baskets to the needy at Thanksgiving and Christmas time.
To greet out-of- town visiting Churches and to assist in making them feel welcome and comfortable.
To prepare and serve dinners or snacks after special services.
"Go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled"(Luke 14:23).
To reach souls with the written Word of God using biblical tracts and literature.
Time: 10:00am - 11:00am
To design, publish and furnish Bible-believing Saints with solid King James resource materials. The "Walking and Living by Faith" Series are Apostolic Doctrinal handbooks created specifically by and for Christ Temple to guide the Believer in their Christian Walk. Every member is expected to complete this series before full membership is given. "Walking and Living by Faith" Series:
Volume A: "New Member Orientation"
Volume 1: "Believer's Bible Basic Doctrinal Handbook"
Volume 2: "Spiritual Realities"
Sessions: Every Friday Night 7:00 to 8:00pm
To serve the church in evangelism and discipleship by providing God's Word so that people may come to faith and life in Jesus Christ
To design and maintain all church Websites
To design and print weekly Bulletins, with current announcements.
To design and print Flyers and tracts
To design and print Funeral, Wedding, and other Special Occasion Programs
To design and print Booklets and Manuals published by Christ Temple
To provide clothes for the less fortunate and the women and children
When: Every fifth Saturday from 12:00pm to 1:00pm.
![]() at 301-868-3567 (Monday through Friday) or send us an email. ![]() 9020 B. Woodyard Road Clinton, MD 20735 Copyright © 2004 Christ Temple Church of the Apostolic Faith Inc. |