Leadership Women's Day
July 24 , 2022
Praise The Lord!
in this issue
Women's Day! How To Communicate To Change Lives Lincoln's Principles On Leadership Spotting a New Leader Christ Temple Women of Faith Fellowships
How To Communicate To Change Lives Why do speakers speak? Since the goal of speaking is to change lives, speaking is the ultimate tool for church growth. But how can you be effective in communication through speaking? Listed below are eight questions to ask about your speaking.
- Who will I be speaking to? Asking questions like, "What are their needs?", "What are their hurts?", and, "What are their interests?", will help us focus on where the people are. Why ask? Because although there are three things that always get one's attention:
A speaker can only consistently keep people's attention by focusing on what people value.
- Things that threaten us.
- Things that are unusual.
- Things that we value.
- What does the bible say about their needs?
Since the Bible is the Book of Life, is will have the answer to peoples needs! The speaker's task is to show the Bible to be relevant for today's needs.- What is the most practical way to say it? Application is the central task in speaking. So, speaking must be practical enough for people to know what to do.
How to make speaking more practical?
- Always aim for action.
- Tell the people why.
- Show them how.
Exhortation without explanation leads to frustration. Too often people respond to a message with the expression, "Yes, but how?" In other words, I agree with what you're saying, but how do I do it?
- What is the most positive way to say it?
Jesus never tried to convert anyone with anger. Although the Scriptures clearly warn of judgment, negative speaking only produces negative people. Promote the positive alternatives to sin and speak humbly.- What is the most encouraging way to say it?
Everyone has three fundamental needs:
- To have their faith reinforced,
- To have their hope renewed,
- To have their love restored.
The key to encouraging people is don't just tell it like it is, but also tell it like it could be.
- What is the simplest way to say it?
Jesus taught profound truth in simple ways. Since a person forgets 90 to 95% of what they hear in seventy-two hours, the sermon needs to be definable in a single thought.How do you simplify the sermon?
- Condense the message into a single sentence.
- Avoid using religious terms.
- Keep your outline simple.
- Make your application fit.
- Never make a point without a picture.
- What is the most personal way to say it?
People today are skeptical and resistant to sales pitches, so the message must be made personal - "He's speaking to me!"
How do you speak with impact?
- Honestly share your struggles.
- Honestly share your progress.
- Share what you are learning. ..
- What is the most interesting way to say it?
To the unchurched, dull speaking is unforgivable. Vary your delivery! Jesus told stories about people and He also used humor. Humor relaxes people, makes painful medicine easier to accept and creates positive emotions.In summary, good effective speaking is not just an accident. It should be thought through. Finally, the most effective key to speaking is simply LOVE PEOPLE
Lincoln's Principles On Leadership ![]()
Taken from "Lincoln on Leadership", by Donald T. Phillips, Warner Books
It is important that the people know you come among them without fear. Remember, human action can be modified to some extent, but human nature cannot be changed. When you extinguish hope, you create desperation. You must be consistently fair and decent, in both the business and the personal side of life. Remember: Your organization will take on the personality of its top leader. Do the very best you know how - the very best you can - and keep doing it until the end. Avoid major conflict in the form of quarrels and arguments. you simply don't have time for it. Make consistency one of the main cogs in the machinery of your organization. Try not to feel insecure or threatened by your followers. When the occasion is piled high with difficulty, rise with it. Think anew and act anew. Remember that the best leaders never stop learning. Don't lose confidence in your people when they fail. Loyalty is more often won through private conversation than in any other way. Don't forget that humor is a major component of your ability to persuade people. When effecting renewal, call on the past, relate it to the present, and then use them both to provide a link to the future. Everywhere you go at every conceivable opportunity, reaffirm, reassert and remind everyone of the basic principles upon which your organization was founded. Always let your subordinates know that the honor will be all theirs if they succeed and the blame will be all yours if they fail.
Spotting a New Leader 10 Traits to identify a promising person
- Leadership in the past. The best predictor of the future is the past.
- The capacity to create or catch vision. When I talk to people about the future, I want their eyes to light up. I want them to ask the right questions.
- A constructive spirit of discontent. Some people would call this criticism, but there's a big difference in being constructively discontent and being critical. The Unscratchable itch is always in the leader.
- Practical Ideas. Not everybody with practical ideas is a leader, of course, but leaders seem to be able to identify which are and which aren't.
- A willingness to take responsibility. Leaders will bear work, for the feeling of contributing to other people is what leadership is all about.
- A completion factor. In the military, it is called "completed staff work." The half-cooked meal isn't what you want.
- Mental toughness. No one can lead without being criticized or without facing discouragement. I don't want a mean leader; I don't want a tough leader.
- Peer respect. Peer respect doesn't reveal ability, but can show character and personality.
- Family respect. The family's feelings toward someone reveal much about his or her potential to lead.
- A quality that makes people listen to them. Potential leaders have a "holding court" quality about them. When they speak, people listen.
Women's Day Special Guest Speaker Missionary LaShawn Townsend Malloy is gifted as a strong apostolic leader with a powerful prophetic anointing. Her pioneering spirit is evident through her apostolic prophetic teaching and impartation that releases God's purposes.
Churches are significantly impacted as Mother Malloy ministers to women, leaders and churches. She travels extensively conducting leadership conferences with an emphasis on releasing the prophetic and apostolic anointing in cities and regions.
First Lady LaShawn Malloy is the President of the Missionary Department at Christi Temple in Clinton Maryland where Pastor Donald Malloy is the pastor.
She and her husband have been married for 50 years, with five children and seventeen grandchildren and three great grandchildren..
What has happened to the spirit of the great leaders who went before us. Where is their staunch spirit? Where is their moral composure?
I believe in who we are as a people. I also believe that we Women are the most influential people in the world. Our teaching shapes the hearts and minds of our nation. Whether you teach a children's Sunday School class or First Lady of a church, you are someone who people are watching. You are their example. You are the living testimony of what you teach. Your actions speak volumes over your words. One single act of indiscretion on your part can destroy years of ministry.
Fellow women, it's time to affirm what you believe in. It's time to step up and let it rip. Not just flippant rhetoric, but words of conviction. Words that shape peoples character. Words that convict their conscience. It's time to teach lessons that come from the heart of God. Spiritual lessons that shape the minds and hearts of this generation of future leaders. A future President could be sitting in one of your pews. He could be listening to your every word and watching your every action.
I want my example to affirm what I teach. If you are having trouble morally, please pray and get right with God! You are destroying the character of the people you lead. I wonder if there is an "amen" out there? Hey fellow sisters, let's live out our convictions.
I have determined that I am going to outlive the evil of the women who fell before me. I'm going to keep marching to the sound of the bugler's charge. There can be no retreat for those on the front line. This soldier is going to keep moving forward. I cannot look back at those weak-minded individuals who lay in the dust of defeat. Spiritual Liberty will only come if you and I are willing to pay the price for it. Be a Leader today. Be a Leader in your church Sunday. Remember people are gauging your words, by the actions of your life.
Announcements ... Christ Temple
Women's Day
9020 B Woodyard RD
Clinton MD 20735
Sunday July 24, 2022
at 11:00am
Theme: " What's in a Name?.. Some Call Him Emmanuel, but I call him ......"
Please wear white
For Those who attended on May 8, 2022, your topics and roles have not changed.
For the other invited speakers your topics and roles have not changed.
Christ Temple Angels will be performing.
All Women Are Welcome!!!!
Christ Temple Family & Friends DaysPicnic at
Christ Temple Church
onSaturdayAugust 6, 20221:00-7:00pmWorship Service
email: Malloy_LaShawn@yahoo.com
voice: 301 868 3567
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