scooped up a handful of straw and held it front of one of his camels,
which began to slowly churn the food around in its mouth. Abraham
smiled as he looked down at his little boy Isaac, who carefully
eyed his father while attempting to feed another camel. Isaac tried
to duplicate his fathers feat, but he struggled.
Eventually, Isaacs hands would grow
large enough to handle a straw snack for the camels. For now, he
just imitated his father.
Abraham wondered if it was possible to
love a human being more than he loved his son, yet serving God brought
Abraham even more satisfaction. Isaac, born to Abraham at age 100,
was the fulfillment of Gods promise: Abraham would become
the father of many nations. (Genesis 17:5) He was Abrahams
only son born of his wife, Sarah.
The fact that Isaac even existed was a
testament to the power of God and His faithfulness to keep His promises.
We can forgive Sarah for laughing when God told her at age 65 that
she would bear a son. But God wasnt laughingHe was planning
the start of a great nation. And with Sarah at age 90, she and Abraham
conceived Isaac.
So we can understand the confusion Abraham
felt when God told him to sacrifice Isaac. Abraham surely wondered,
"God, let me get this straight. You want me to sacrifice my
only son whom You gave me 25 years after You promised Him to me?"
However, Abraham obeyed the Lord and gained a tremendous reward.
Abraham was mighty in spirit because he
understood the importance of obedience to God. He knew that apart
from God life was empty; therefore, obedience to the Lord was the
only decision for him to make. God had promised that Abraham would
be the father of many nations, and Abraham believed the Lord. Even
if it meant sacrificing his only son, so be it. Obeying God was
all Abraham desired to do.
With a torch in one hand and a knife in
the other, Abraham climbed the mountain with Isaac, who carried
the wood necessary for the sacrifice. This time when he looked down
at his son, its doubtful Abraham was smiling. Perhaps he brushed
a tear off his cheek and kept walking. Obedience to God was of utmost
importance to Abraham; it even came before Isaac.
Isaac knew nothing but trust and love for
his father. His dad always knew the right thing to say and was always
there for him, so why should he question what they were doing? Isaacs
only question was, "Where is the lamb?"
Thats when Abraham taught his son
one of two life-founding principles. "God will provide,"
answered Abraham, as the pair continued climbing.
Gods provisionwhat a lesson
to teach his son! Abraham knew of the impending doom on Isaac, yet
he reassured him that God would provide. With time running out and
Isaac on the sacrificial altar, God did indeed provide. Isaac saw
his fathers trust in the Lord rewarded right in front of their
very eyes as a ram became ensnared in a nearby thicket.
It wasnt until years later that Isaac
fully understood his fathers actions that day. But it was
then that Abraham shared with his son another life-founding principle:
complete obedience to God.
F. B. Meyer writes of Abrahams obedience,
"There is nothing that God will not do for a man who dares
to step out upon what seems to be the mist; who then finds rock
beneath him as he puts his foot down." Isaac saw that truth
unfold in front of him. He saw how God would provide in even the
most unlikely of circumstancesif he would just obey Him.
God promised Abraham he would be the father
of many nations, but He called Abraham to be a father to Isaac first.
One of the greatest callings on any mans life is to father
his children in a way that is pleasing to God, to teach them the
importance of obedience to God and reliance upon Him and Him alone.
No, Abraham wasnt called to be a
king. He wasnt even called to be a governor. He was called
to be a father, to teach Isaac to seek earnestly after God. As Abraham
neared death after 175 years on earth, he recognized this was the
greatest call God placed on his life. The reward for Abraham was
eternal. "It came about after the death of Abraham, that God
blessed his son Isaac
" (Genesis 25:11).