Prophet that Prayed three times per day
is too simplistic to allow the importance of Daniel's story to be
capsuled within the pages of a children's book. Daniel in the lion's
den -- like Daniel's description of the deliverance of Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abednego -- is a spectacular and colorful account.
But when you get down to the fundamentals, what stands out is that
a sovereign God consistently and swiftly reacts to the earnest prayers
of a faithful servant.
Daniel in the lion's den is recorded
in chapter six of one of the Bible's most interesting books. Only
twelve chapters, it details the life and prophecies of one of God's
most trusted charges. It includes more fulfilled prophecy than any
other book in the Bible and is sanctioned as authentic by Christ
Himself. (Matt. 24:15)
God so blessed Daniel that the
prophet not only excelled in earthly kingdoms because of his discernment
of dreams and signs, but also lay much of the prophetic foundation
upon which the book of Revelation builds. Daniel prophesied the
coming of everyone from Christ to Alexander the Great to Cleopatra.
Daniel's famous "seventieth week" describes the ancestry,
rise, and fall of the antichrist, and the glorious Second Coming
of Christ.
As God often does, He made great
that which was small. Daniel was of royal lineage but only about
sixteen years old when Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar destroyed
Jerusalem and carried the Jews into captivity. Along with his three
aforementioned friends, Daniel was favored first by God and then
by Nebuchadnezzar.
Daniel and his cohorts are described
in chapter one as good-looking and without blemish, "showing
intelligence in every branch of wisdom, endowed with understanding
and discerning knowledge." Daniel, a Jew, would go on to become
prime minister of Babylon and worked for at least three kings: Nebuchadnezzar,
Belshazzar, and Darius. His inspired work left Nebuchadnezzar and
Darius proclaiming Daniel's God to be living and true.
It was Darius who was tricked
by Daniel's rivals into signing a decree banning for one month any
petition to a god or man except Darius. Daniel ignored the edict.
His fear of God far outdistanced his fear of men. As he always did
three times a day, Daniel opened his windows toward Jerusalem, where
he knew the Spirit of God had dwelled in Solomon's temple, and he
prayed as all of us should.
"He might have compromised
his integrity by ceasing to pray to God during the month the decree
was in effect -- or by praying privately, perhaps in the night,
when no one could see him worshiping at his window," writes
Gleason Archer in The Expositor's Bible Commentary. "To rationalize
such compromises to preserve his role in government would have been
easy. But Daniel could not compromise. For him the issue was whether
he was going to please man or obey God."
God saved the lions' appetite
for Daniel's rivals, teaching us the power of prayer and faith that
made Daniel so completely mighty in spirit. Daniel provided an example
by responding to the enemy's false accusations with uncompromising
faith and trust in God. In turn, God used Daniel to show us how
to answer our enemies: let Him deal with them.
Daniel also demonstrates how
to pray. In chapter nine, the prophet realizes from reading the
book of Jeremiah that the Babylonian captivity would last only seventy
years. The end was near. So Daniel returned to his knees and exhibited
powerful prayer in verses 4-19.
"Various aspects of the passage
give rich instruction regarding prayer," writes scholar John
MacArthur in his study Bible. "True prayer is: in response
to the Word (v. 2), characterized by fervency (v. 3) and self-denial
(v. 4), identified unselfishly with God's people (v. 5), strengthened
by confession (vv. 5-15), dependent on God's character (vv. 4,7,9,15),
and has as its goal God's glory (vv. 16-19)."
So effectual is such prayer that
God sent the angel Gabriel with His answer even before Daniel had
completed his supplication. Today, you can be sure that though God
has revealed no cataclysmic prophecy to you, or helped you interpret
a king's dream, He is there for you. The book of Daniel is nothing
if not an affirmation of the utter sovereignty of our God. He sees
all, knows all, and controls all, and He loves you enough to make
it all work together for your good. (Rom. 8:28)
To find God during your hardship,
go to the portal Daniel knew best. Go to your knees. Model your
prayer after Daniel's and model your life after Daniel 11:32: "The
people who know their God will display strength and take action."