would you think about a man who lived by himself in the desert,
wore camel skins, and ate wild honey and grasshoppers? And how
would you feel if this man said you needed to let God change your
life? You can see why many people who heard about John the Baptist
went to see him out of sheer curiosity.
But John the Baptist was no
lunatic, and neither was his message of his own invention. Before
John was born, the angel Gabriel appeared to his father Zacharias
as he was going about his priestly duties in the Temple. Gabriel
said that he and Elizabeth, in their old age, would bear a son
who would become a very special prophet. At first, Zacharias did
not believe the angel with all his heart, and Gabriel said that
until the birth of the child, he would be unable to speak.
After John was born, Zacharias'
tongue was freed, and he spoke these words under the power of
the Holy Spirit: "And you, child, will be called the prophet
of the Most High; for you will go on before the Lord to prepare
His ways; to give to His people the knowledge of salvation by
the forgiveness of their sins . . ." (Luke 1:76-77). For
almost thirty years, God prepared John to be His spokesman, to
announce the coming of Jesus Christ, the Messiah Israel had been
awaiting for centuries.
Times were certainly ripe for
spiritual awakening. The Jewish people were languishing under
oppressive Roman rule, and circumstances did not seem likely to
change. Many hearts were restless and open to hearing good news.
So when John suddenly began preaching in the wilderness of Judea,
the crowds began to flock to him.
"Repent, for the kingdom
of heaven is at hand," John shouted. "As for me, I baptize
you with water for repentance, but He who is coming after me is
mightier than I, and I am not fit to remove His sandals; He will
baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire." (Matt. 3:2, 11)
Hundreds of people listened carefully to his words and were baptized
in the Jordan River.
made John the Baptist truly mighty in spirit, however, was more
than his powerful, bold words. John was a man of great spiritual
discernment, a gift he received from the Lord. John's world was
complicated religiously and politically, and his message certainly
put him at great risk of personal danger. He needed discernment
in order to understand his circumstances from God's perspective
and to know what God wanted him to say.
John knew the difference between
those who came with humble, repentant hearts and those who came
to mock or criticize. He answered any question the people asked
him with straightforward honesty and an earnest desire to see
them turn to God. But to the Pharisees and Sadducees -- members
of the self-righteous religious establishment -- his words were
fiery and condemning. (Matt. 3:7-8). John had no toleration for
their hypocrisy.
As a man of discernment, John
was completely open to God's direction. He understood that God
was always going to show him new things. From his own testimony,
we know that John wasn't sure of the identity of the Messiah until
God revealed it to him. (John 1:31-33). Can you imagine the thrill
John must have felt to realize that his own cousin Jesus was the
promised Messiah? What might God reveal to Him next? Maybe John
dreamed of following Jesus himself, since his ministry of preparatory
baptism was then over.
But what John soon discovered
was that the Lord had a far different plan for his life. Some
of John's pointed words finally reaped some bad political consequences.
John had preached against the wickedness of Herod the king, especially
of his marriage to his brother's wife Herodias. In prison, with
his life hanging in the balance, John could have been filled with
However, even in such a threatening
situation, John again demonstrated spiritual discernment. He took
his doubts straight to God for resolution. By way of messengers,
he asked Jesus this question: "Are You the Expected One,
or do we look for someone else?" (Luke 7:20) With great compassion,
Jesus sent a reply to assure John that he was not at all mistaken.
Jesus was the Messiah, and John had testified about Him in truth.
The end was swift for John.
One night, Herod threw a great party at his palace. (Mark 6:14-29)
As part of the entertainment, the daughter of his wife Herodias
performed a dance in exchange for Herodıs promise to give her
whatever she wanted.
At her mother's prompting, she
asked for the head of John the Baptist on a platter. God had chosen
to call home his special servant, and as Jesus said, John's reward
in heaven was great. (Luke 7:25-28)
Like John, when you ask God
for discernment, He gives it to you freely. For those who truly
seek His face and His direction for their lives, the Lord brings
a wisdom that can only come from Him. Regardless of your circumstances,
you will possess the security of knowing that God is using your
life to build a spiritual legacy that leads others to Him. |