is in a name? The apostle Peter provides us one of the best answers
to Shakespeare's question. There was no more compelling a figure
among the disciples than Peter, and for none other did a name
hold more meaning and symbolism.
Peter comes from the Greek word
Petros, meaning "rock or stone." Jesus Christ
gave him this name. However, it was the faith God gave Peter that
Jesus used as a foundation for the early church. (Matthew 16:13-20)
The Aramaic word for Peter's name is Kepha, or Cephas
as it is known in most texts. Peter's original name was Simon
Bar-jona, or son (bar) of Jonah (John, his father). In his exposition
commentary of Peter's first epistle, Warren Wiersbe turns an interesting
perspective on Peter's names:
"Perhaps the two names
suggest a Christian's two natures: an older nature (Simon) that
is prone to fail, and a new nature (Peter) that can give victory.
As Simon, he was only another human piece of clay; but Jesus Christ
made a rock out of him!"
Today, Peter's name perhaps
would translate to Simon Johnson or Simon Stone. Often, he was
like so many of us in personality and temperament and was the
common "every man" those names seem to identify. He
was impetuous (impulsive), brash, outspoken, loud, self-confident,
even arrogant.
Peter was a super-fisherman,
one of the best on the Sea of Galilee. He gathered fish and mended
nets better than most and was successful enough that he actually
had two homes, one in his native Bethsaida, another in Capernaum.
Success in his beloved work, and the stature Simon enjoyed physically
and occupationally, likely fostered the self-sufficiency and fire
he exhibited.
But God used these very traits
to establish Peter as a leader among the disciples. Many times
he spoke for them, asking and saying what others would only think.
He was quick to proclaim Jesus' deity and eventually was the quickest
to deny Him.
Jesus included Peter in many
of the personal, even intimate events of His ministry. In the
Scriptures we find that Peter was present at the transfiguration
and when Christ brought Jairus' daughter back from the dead.
When Jesus walked on water,
it was Peter's impetuousness that motivated him to get out of
the boat and join the Lord. Why would Jesus pick such a difficult
man as one of His foremost disciples? Clearly, it is because Jesus
would transform Peter's traits into powerful tools for His ministry.
Peter was a man mighty in spirit
because of the traits Christ so lovingly harnessed to become tools
for His church and kingdom. He was the first disciple to see the
resurrected Christ. He led the effort to fill the discipleship
vacancy created by Judas Iscariot. It was a forgiven Peter who
preached boldly on the day of Pentecost.
Of all the powerful images
we have of Peter's life, two scenes stand out. The first is Peter's
three denials of Christ. The second is Jesus' restoration of His
grieving disciple, forgiving him and then commissioning him for
ministry. (John 21)
One lesson we learn from Peter
is that repentance needs to be immediate, decisive, and sincere.
Christ showed Peter that without Him we are little more than bluster.
We can clamor and rattle our way through life, but when the dust
settles we are the dirtier. We can throw off the old, common man
and put on the new, uncommon one, knowing only Jesus has the ability
to cleanse and restore us.
Also, remember that many of
the major events of Peter's association with Christ occur on or
near the Sea of Galilee, which had provided sustenance for the
fisherman's entire life. The reason? Jesus meets us right where
we are in our lives. Peter was at home on the Sea of Galilee.
This is where Jesus found him, and this is where Jesus called
him to be a minister of His hope, love, and forgiveness.
We all have a little bit of
Simon Bar-jona living within us. At times we, too, can display
some of his unfavorable traits. But we can learn from Peter. Perhaps
his most compelling characteristic wasn't impulsiveness or outspokenness
but his willingness to change and become a person mightily used
of God.
To follow Jesus on earth, Peter
left the fishing nets he loved. To follow Jesus for eternity,
he buried the agony of past sin and yielded to Jesus' restoring
love. (John 21) Jesus does not desire to condemn your heart; (Romans
8:1) He desires to transform it. What's in a name? Today it isn't
so important what we are called‹just that we hear and obey when
God calls us. |