<bgsound src="http://www.globalprayerwarriors.org/lord_i_lift_your_name_on_high[1].mid" loop=true>

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Men's Ministry

The BrotherHood Alliance Develops a strong, functioning alliance, molding it into a force for leadership and responsibility. The Brotherhood endeavors to involve all men, from children to senior citizens, to fulfill their spiritual as well as temporal potential. .

Fellowship Breakfasts are held on the second Saturday of the month and are complimented by a special speaker and often end with a round of basketball or football.

Deacons and Junior Deacons are appointed by the Pastor. They minister to the Pastor and oversee the smooth functioning of conduct, finances, administration and security, especially in the sanctuary. Deacons should be honest, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom before they are appointed as overseers of any church matters (Acts 6:3). These creative, Christian men are bonded by love and heightened by compassion for the needy, lonely, suffering and the sick within the Church. An ordained deacon can preach, be apt to teach, serve communion and baptize.

Presbyters- Elders and Licentiates shall be subject to the authority of the Pastor of the Church.

New Years Eve Breakfast is a popular annual event following our New Year’s Eve service and is a home-cooked breakfast cooked by the men and offered to the whole congregation.

Other Ministries Include:

-Promise Keepers
-Family & Friends Day
-Special Work Days


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"Year's Theme: Lord Jesus Christ is Alive in 2025"!"Galatians 2:20 King James Version (KJV) Gal 2:20.I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.."." - Rev 3:8” ; "Lord Jesus Christ Alive in 2025"!"

© Copyright 2025 Christ Temple Church. All Rights Reserved. christteme@aol.com